
Witness the Greatest Archaeological Discovery of All Time

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Topics Covered In This Book

Western Atlantean Maritime Empire, Archaeology, Anthropology, Human Anatomy, Sacred Geometry, Egyptology and Leaked Satellite Photos

Osiris Birth Certificate

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Knox Nazca of Osiris

Vitruvian Man Plagiarized

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Vitruvian Man Plagiarized

Isis Gateway Saint Louis-Arch

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St. Louis Isis Vaginal Arch

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Dr, Knox Grandison

About The Author

Dr. Knox Grandison

A passionate researcher and investigator of the world mysteries. By using remote viewing, deep meditation, advance sensory perception, anatomy, physiology, astronomy, sacred geometry and artificial intelligence, I’ve made the greatest archaeological and anthropological discovery of all time.  A USA board certified chiropractic physician from Florida with postgraduate law from the University College London-Queen Mary with a specialty in Medicine and the law with merit.  A freestyle diver fisherman, bachata dancer and golf lover.

“The Ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians believed that the ΔTLΔS bone in human anatomy was the foundation of ALL knowledge, time, space, navigation and civilization.”

Dr. Knox

What Our Readers Are Saying

Don’t take our word for it…

I must admit I felt hurt and betrayed by the system that educated me. This changes everything. Its undeniable truth. A 3400 mile nazca hidden in plain site. They are lying about everything to maintain a fake narrative. Native Americans will have to reconcile this irrefutable evidence. This book is in my top 3 best books of all time.

Luisa Hernandez

History Teacher

This book is incredible. I can’t believe this is happening. Historians, archaeologists and anthropologists are being sent right back to the drawing board with a new set of eyes is paradigm shifting. We may as well halt all teaching programs world wide for this major update. The department of education is in big trouble.

Rebecca Goldberg

Anthropologist PhD

I want a refund from student loans or a waiver.. This is omission and mis-representation by the department of education. Fraud! I was always concerned about hidden narratives and this book made it crystal clear. Thank you so much. This is a must read. In protest, nobody should make a student loan repayment, vote or pay income taxes until they come clean. 

Jeremy Colbert

Archaeology Student Phd

Get It Now

An Ancient Egyptian Map of The World and of North America dated 950 BCE was Found Hidden in The Going Forth by Day Papyrus and revealed by Using Divine Proportions and Sacred Geometry.

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