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Knowledge at The Speed of Light 432²

Hiram's Epiphany – ΔTLANTIS FOUND

BREAKING: Leonardo Da Vinci Caught Plagiarizing Vitruvian Man in Egyptian Book of The Dead. Academia & Egyptologists in Shock.

leonardo davinci plagiarized vitruvian-man

“Those who control the present control the past. And those who control the past control the future”

-George Orwell-

Decentralized science and history has arrived and its just in time. Truth, transparency and blockchain are winning the war. We will re-write the truth in the history ourselves. Their reign is over!

Simply put, the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians believed that if they were going to design and construct civilization, then why not base it on the design and construction of the divine’s most perfect creation ie.. the human body. The penis was an obelisk. The arch was the uterus. The single pillar was the spinal column. The twin oseos pillars, transverse cross beam ligament, anterior-posterior arches with the keystone of dens was the ΔTLAS bone. All communication from the spirit, brain, and the body (Ka-Ba) flows through the spinal cord between the twin oseos pillars of the atlas bone, the anterior and posterior arches and with the dens as the keystone. A broken dens or a ruptured transverse crossbeam ligament would render nothing holding atlas bone in place and therefore atlas would slide forward and compress the spinal cord and cause instant death. As seen in judicial hanging. If the keystone of an arch is broken for a bridge held together by twin columns, the bridge will colapse and fail. In addition, if you walk under the zygomatic arch gateway of the human face, you’ll end up in the temple area of the skull (see figure 7). Hence there are twin pillars, an arch and a keystone at the entrance of almost every lodge, government building, museum, university and religious temple on this planet. Or alternatively, twin pillars and a cross beam that form the mathematical symbol Pi (see figure 5).

Within the temple of the skull we have ammon ra’s horns, pyramid neurons and orion neurons. And just like the Nile river is the longest fresh water river in the world that flows against gravity, it was correlated to the cerebral spinal fluid which is the longest fresh water river in the human body that flows against gravity. The egyptians and phoenicians had completely mapped the earth and correlated it to the human body via divine proportions and sacred geometry. To decipher the mystery in the egyptian papyrus above, the goddess Nut and God Shu are connected by the feather of truth at her umbilicus.

So i put the needle of the compass on Shu’s umbilicus and the red pencil marker on Nuts umbilicus and transcribed a circle of the earth. Being a physician i have secret knowledge as to where atlas bone is located in the human body. In radiology we use a front facing patient and shoot the x-ray beam into the open mouth of the patient to get a nice picture of the atlas (C1) on top of axis bone (C2). Therefore; since the human body is mapped to the earth via divine proportions, and the atlas bone is the 33rd bone north from the tail bone because the cerebral spinal fluid flows north against gravity, then it made sense for me to draw a horizontal latitude line right through Shu’s mouth making it the 33rd parallel north. Once you have the circle of the earth and the 33rd parallel north latitude line of atlas bone drawn, the other two unknown latitudes are easy to find.

First, you have to know that the invisible circle is there in the first place. And since its based on divine proportions of humans, and the midline of all humans is the umbilicus, then it follows that the umbilicus is the equator in man and on earth. And finally. if we take a measured move from the atlas bone at the 33rd parallel north to the top of earths circle and then use that measurement from the south pole edge of the circle of earth going north, we arrive at Shu’s knees giving us the 33rd parallel south. If we look between the legs and knees of Shu, we can see that it forms the sacred geometric symbol of star atlas and the phoenician logo. By moving the 33rd parallel line south to the north approximating the circle of Shu’s head towards atlas bone and then add two forearms and we’ll get the main logo of the goddess tanit used by Phoenicians in figure 3 below. In addition, I had three more epiphanic discoveries. The first was the fact that atlas sits on top of axis, and by nodding the human head yes, causes penetration of the anterior arch of atlas (C1) which sits on top, by riding up and down the penile shaft of the dens of axis (C2) which is below. When you nod yes on head flexion and extension, the penile shaft of dens makes penetration of atlas in figure 6. Alternatively when you nod no on head rotation, dens makes no penetration into the anterior arch and stays in the same plane. Because of this natural physiological function, to the Egyptians and Phoenicians, civil law was born. When a woman consents and says yes, then there can be penetration. However when a woman doesn’t consent and says no but there’s penetration anyway, then thats rape. The second is that the structure and function of the atlas and axis bone articulation was transformed into egyptian art via sacred geometry into the famous drawing of Nut (atlas) arching over after just sitting on and riding Geb (axis) and then shortly after Shu barges in and separates them with his two arms (twin pillars). The third is that atlas and axis structure and function was converted into building and construction. See the arc de triomphe in figure 5.

phoenician naval empire logo
Figure 3

And finally in figure 2 the god Shu with two outreached arms pointing up like a body builder, symbolising the Twin Pillars of Atlantis, and simultaneously symbolising the twin oseos pillars of the Atlas bone, with close attention to the three notches (stars) in Shu’s belt and with Geb the earth’s penis at the south pole pointing up that was recently separated from Nut, forms the constellation of Osiris as it rises out of the East and moves along the equator and Sets in the west everyday. Looking at the constellation of Osiris during different ages and empires; egyptian, persian, greek, roman, we can see that the chief atlantean black god of the ages is OSIRIS himself.

osiris twin pillars constellation
Figure 4
Atlanto Axial Civilization
Figure 5
atlas rides axis dens
Figure 6: Side View of Atlas Riding Up and Down The Penile Shaft of Dens
Zygomatic Arch Twin Pillars of Face
Figure 7
Shu Atlas Comparison
Figure 8
Figure 9
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